
Personalized Counseling & Treatment for a Better Life

  • Treating Children, Adolescents, and Adults
  • Couples, Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Clinical Supervision
  • Consultation
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
  • Trauma Treatment
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Military Personnel and Family Issues

We are Here To Help

Many people are reluctant to use mental health services because of the “stigma” of having an “emotional” problem. Society has a tendency to view mental health issues differently from medical ones. When someone breaks a leg, has chest pains, or needs to get a prescription, they’ll see a doctor. However, when they experience depression, excessive fears, or a problem with alcohol, they may be embarrassed to seek help. Many people view these conditions as weaknesses” they should handle themselves.

Unfortunately, this view prevents them from getting professional assistance that may alleviate their problems.


Reasons to Seek Help

The following are some of the symptoms that usually signal the need for professional counseling. Only a trained professional can diagnose and determine the treatment needed.

  • Crippling or excessive anxieties (phobias, fears, panic attacks)
  • Marked personality change
  • Prolonged depression and apathy (a sense of hopelessness, loss of pleasure in life, helplessness, confusion, or constant frustration)
  • Wide mood swings (extreme highs and lows)
  • Excessive anger or hostility; destructive, abusive, or violent behavior
  • Abuse of drugs or alcohol
  • Marked changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Thinking or talking about suicide
  • A feeling that you’ve lost control of your life
  • Inability to cope with problems or daily activities, such as school, job, or personal needs
  • Sexual problems or abuse
  • Preoccupation with physical illness
  • Strange or grandiose ideas
  • Problems on the job
  • An overall decline in job performance
  • Difficulty interacting with other people (friends, significant other, parents, children, and co-workers)
  • Post-traumatic stress responses
  • Denial of obvious problems; strong resistance to receiving help
  • Seeing or hearing things that aren’t actually present
  • Suspiciousness or paranoia
  • Extreme jealousy
  • Difficulty with authority
  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Inability to cope with the loss of a loved one
  • Problems with the law
  • Compulsive behavior